
Friday 28 June 2024

What is wrong with Biden?

 It was difficult to watch! an obviously frail President trying not to blow his chances by coming across as lacking the brain cells needed to guide the USA through hard times to come.

He failed!

His face an almost parkie mask, did not help his mission, nor did his word finding difficulties.  However, the most troubling of  his apparent lack of cognition arose when, in the middle of a paragraph, he forgot what he was talking about!

My conclusion:  The president ls a PWP!!

Saturday 15 June 2024


 Les anciens knew about it and gave it a name..... (are you ready for it?)....the "!!SOUL" (cue Marvin Gaye).  What is "soul"?

Who knows?  Is it necessary to describe it?  Thinking logically I begin with a Law of Thermodynamics ie; "energy can neither be created nor destroyed".  Energy can only change.   Our bodies are full of energy.

You guessed it .  I call that energy my soul and it is just as important to life as is the heart or brain.

At the start, you drift into unconsciousness.

Your heart has stopped beating; your brain no longer gives a damn and shuts down, and your soul says sayanora.

You are dead!

And what of your energy now?  Remember, it can neither be created nor destroyed.

It can change and it has.  It is now a part of the energy o f the universe.

Is that just another name for "God"?

Could be.........

boundaries which divide life from death are, at best shadowy and  vague.  Who shall say where the one ends and where the other begins?  (EdgarA Poe)

Saturday 1 June 2024

What's left

OK...Your heart stopped beating just before the brain made it official and stopped producing brain waves. The man in the white coat looks at the wall clock and while pulling off one bloodied rubber glove, says

T.O.D 14:34


What about the "you know what?"

Nonsense!  The surgeon is not a believer and as he turns to wash his hands, the 3rd part of our puzzle leaves the body.  The patient is now well and truly dead

I have to go.  More to come next entry.  In the meantime, have a laugh

            Grim reaper says to Saint Peter at the pearly gates,  "I'm Death."

           Saint Peter responds, "No problem.  I can speak louder." 

Thursday 30 May 2024

the virtuous heritic

 If you consider what I am about to write to be heresy, stop reading! (equivalent to "God is dead"......well.....sort of)

We can agree the most important organs in the body are the brain and the heart.  Without either one, we are DOA.  So as long  as the heart keeps pumping and the brain keeps doing whatever brains do(dwbd), every thing is copacetic. 

The brain and heart rely on each other.  For example if the brain stops dwbd, the heart will eventually stop doing its job and we are dead.  The reverse is true too.  We are now just a statistic.

Or are we?

What about people who are revived long after the heart stops and the brain stops dwbd and similar events (in some cases longer than you think*) 

No.  We are missing something in our death struggles.  What is it?

Before going on, let me tell you a story.  As a science teacher with a projecting microscope, I recreated an experiment I had read about.  I projected on the wall a slide of a dead amoeba and a live amoeba.  It was easy to see they were identical in all respects, except one was dead.  The question posed was "What is missing in the dead one?

I now put the same question to you.  What is missing in a corpse that has something to do with the ability to revive a dead person even after the heart has stopped beating and the brain has stopped dwbd?

Perhaps the question should be, "What remains after the brain and heart jump ship (or either of them)?

Stand by.  More to come in future entries.

* in 2019, doctors revived a woman who had been in cardiac arrest for 6 hours.  No sign of brain damage (12 April 2023,The Guardian)

a virtuous heretic shall be saved before a wicked christian (Ben Franklin)

Tuesday 28 May 2024

 "DEATH" the final frontier (apologies to Star Trek).

What is it like when you die?  I haven't a clue.  But. let me tell you the theory that makes  most sense to me and I promise not to denigrate other, more popular, beliefs.  I challenge you to denigrate mine.  

More to come

what's all the fuss about death!

Let me assure you, there is no time limit on grief. I lost my wife almost 5 years ago, but I have to tell you, she still occupies a part of my daily thoughts. I console myself with the understanding that I have made with God.....That I be good, or at least manageable, and I will experience her in the afterlife. I am fairly sure I make the cut, but .......let me explain. 

There are no elusian fields in my heavan, no harp playing angels, no bearded vetern checkimg off names in a golden tomb, no good or evil. THERE IS JUST IS. 

 I will detail all this (blither? knowledge? )in my next entry.

In the meantime I shall continue to scour the Bible looking for loopholes.
There have to be some. 

 Nobody is perfect!

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