
Tuesday 28 May 2024

what's all the fuss about death!

Let me assure you, there is no time limit on grief. I lost my wife almost 5 years ago, but I have to tell you, she still occupies a part of my daily thoughts. I console myself with the understanding that I have made with God.....That I be good, or at least manageable, and I will experience her in the afterlife. I am fairly sure I make the cut, but .......let me explain. 

There are no elusian fields in my heavan, no harp playing angels, no bearded vetern checkimg off names in a golden tomb, no good or evil. THERE IS JUST IS. 

 I will detail all this (blither? knowledge? )in my next entry.

In the meantime I shall continue to scour the Bible looking for loopholes.
There have to be some. 

 Nobody is perfect!

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