Today however, I feel good. No tremors on either side. I took a 2.5 mile walk at 5AM and felt good with a lively step. It was raining and I could have taken a day off, but I felt good enough to ignore the rain and get the exercise.
Of course, I am not completely without symptoms. I was changing a light bulb on the bottom of the microwave oven over the stove top, one of those tiny bulbs that resemble the smallest flash bulbs from the 70's, and to get to it, I had to unscrew the cover that protects the light from grease. Unscrewing the cover was easy. My hands were shaking but I managed. However, screwing it back in was impossible. The object was to hold a tiny screw still while inserting the screw driver into it. I might as well have been trying to thread a needle, blindfolded. I could not stop my hands shaking and so, the screw now lies atop the stove, the cover is hanging down, and I have admitted defeat. The problem will be solved by someone else.
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!
Now, that sounded petty, didn't it? The fact is, I have been very unsettled for the past two days and today I feel good, very good, and no stubborn little screw is going to screw up my mood. At least, that is the plan.