Weighed myself today. Down 8 pounds and I eat like a you know what. It's the result of walking every day for an hour, at 4:30AM?
Why walk? It's enjoyable, even in winter. Plus, exercise is thought to contribute significantly to a slowing down of the progression of PD.
Why 4:30 AM? Why not? There's nothing on TV and insomnia is a symptom of PD. I don't have insomnia but the number of hours I can sleep is about 5-6 and I always wake up at 4AM. So I walk and weight loss is just a happy side effect of that which I must do to help my brain.
But wait! there is another method of slowing the progression of PD while at the same time losing weight. It is fasting. Read an interesting article in The Guardian. Scientists have apparently found that fasting can help protect against brain diseases such as Altzheimer's and PD.
Who knew? Who cares!