
Monday, 21 January 2019

Attack of the skin rippers

Seborrheic dermatitis is a superficial fungal disease of the skin, occurring in areas rich in sebaceous glands.  It presents as flaking skin on the scalp, face and sometimes elsewhere.

Disorders in Parkinson’s disease: potential biomarkers and risk factors

Seborrhea has been associated with PD, with a prevalence as high as 52%–59%. In 1927, Krestin reported seborrheic facies as a cutaneous manifestation of parkinsonism, particularly in post-encephalic parkinsonism, and described the skin as shiny, greasy, and with characteristic scarring acne. In a retrospective study on the association between seborrheic dermatitis and PD, Tanner et al proposed that seborrheic dermatitis might represent a premotor feature of PD, ascribable to autonomic nervous system dysregulation, and suggested that seborrheic dermatitis could serve as an early disease marker of PD.  (Published online 2017 Mar 9. )

I wondered why my scalp was dry and producing dandruff at an alarming rate, I just thought that the top of my head, which is now almost totally follically challenged, was just putting on a show; but, when patches of skin started forming flakes on my face,  I got concerned.  I tried getting in to see my dermatologist, but his assistant and he were both absent, so I turned to my general practitioner, a gentle and totally competent physician who usually got me in to see him very quickly.  This time, his assistant was absent and a replacement was handling his appointments and no matter how much I complained, she stood her ground at a 2 week waiting period.

I was left with the internet where I found the above research.  I was not a leper!  I got (when I say "I", I mean " my wife"), got some non-prescription creme for me.  I think it was creme meant for psoriasis, but it worked; my skin is soft as a baby's bum, except for the road map of wrinkles that decorates my face.

I don't know of any other person with Parkinson's who has fought this battle.  I am just lucky  I guess.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

PD is a frumious bad play. We believe it will disappear in the third act.

I am going to relate for you a metaphoric story and ask that you weep along with me.

A few years ago, when I was a runner, I was jogging through the forest, following a twisting path. I had run this path many times without incident; but, this time, as I cruised around one bend, I came face-to-face with a deer eating grass. He looked up, saw me, stopped eating and if a deer could smile, he did. He stood still some 75 feet away. I wasn't afraid. I have seen "Bambi". These are gentle creatures, but he was blocking my route.

 I assumed an aggressive stance, my face a mask of terror. I thought if I ran toward him, with arms flying above my head, he would recognize the danger that was about to befall him and run away.

Not bloody likely! Instead of a retreat, he started toward me. When I stopped, so did he.

"Right" I muttered aloud, "See if you can take this?" and I ran at him, screaming.

He ran toward me.

 I stopped. He stopped.

 The deer slowly trotted toward me.  He seemed to want a piece of me.  I threw machoness to the wind and, like Jubilation T. Cornpone, I accepted my defeat and bravely walked backward until I got around the bend and then made a mad dash for the highway,  turning my brave and glorious retreat into a rout.  When I looked back, the deer was gone.

Forsooth, later I ran the same path and many other forest paths with no problems.

So, what's the metaphor?  Sometimes you have to admit the obvious.  Some things at first seem quite benign but with time they can change.  Improvement I am betting.  Yes, I believe the end is nigh, but there are bound to be setbacks along the way.

I know.  I know.  Pretty weak metaphor but  I needed a story of hope, a kind of Nil Bastardi Non Carborundum tale.  The deer won that little foray, but I won the forest.

I am entering my 9th year and have encountered one or two setbacks but I can't believe my future will be as bad as medicine predicts.

Only the courageous can allow themselves a glimpse of a better future.  Be that person.  Be brave enough to conclude victory.  If you find yourself obsessed with a deer, you might as well capitulate at once.

But as I write this, I scratch an itch on my cheek and off comes a small patch of skin.  Well damn! What now?  A half an hour later, after seeing several small patches of peeling skin on my face,  I discover that Chronic seborrhea is associated with PD.

Are we having fun yet??????

Sunday, 6 January 2019

I have been spam attacked!!!


Readers should ignore comments by this person, unless you believe in witch doctors.  This  person's comments are all SPAM.
Dr Ogudugu Solution Temple

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Variations on a theme (stats)

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Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Rated PG

Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

So wrote Shakespeare. I think the bard was in a bad mood when he wrote McBeth. Or it maybe it was just the way he dressed his characters, particularly MacBeth.

MacBeth was in full depression mode. He grieves when he hears the news of the death of Lady Macbeth and is faced with an angry army trying to rain on his parade. Let's face it, Macbeth was totally bummed out, awash as he was with pessimism (Bringing to mind Leonard Cohen's "I have seen the future. It is murder). To Shakespeare, life is a short, sad play in which we all have a role and when our time comes and we are heard no more, no matter what role we played, it was/is of no significance.

How dreary!

And yet, how many of you PWP can honestly say you have never suffered from depression?. Some depression settles in for a long stay while other forms can be short-lived. The Cleveland Clinc wrote

    Depression is also common in patients with Parkinson’s disease; an estimated 50 percent have some form of depression. Often, depression begins years before the patient has any of the physical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (such as tremor, slowness of movement, or problems with walking and balance). This is caused by a decrease in chemicals, such as dopamine, within the brain as Parkinson’s disease begins. Depression in Parkinson’s disease affects quality of life, as much as (and sometimes more than) the movement problems themselves

    There are several types of depression:

  • Major depression is a disabling form of depression in which a person has tremendous difficulty performing simple daily tasks. People with this type of depression are often hospitalized if the symptoms are severe and affect the person’s ability to function.
  • Dysthymia is a milder and chronic (long-term) form of depression in which patients have sadness, yet are often able to continue with their daily routine.
  • Seasonal affective disorder strikes during the winter months.
  • Postpartum depression affects women after they have given birth.
  • An adjustment disorder with depressed mood is a clear emotional reaction to a negative experience or situation, such as the loss of a loved one or being diagnosed with a severe illness.
  • Pseudo-dementia is a type of thinking or mental problem that occurs when a patient is suffering from depression that may look similar to “dementia.”
  • Organic depression is caused by chemical or physiological (physical) change in the brain from another medical condition.

Which form do you have? I admit sticking my toe into a McBeth-type depression while the following issues were resolved:

  1. Where did the universe come from? (answer: It didn't come from anywhere, It has always existed and will always exist, just changing form now and then.)
  2. where did all the people come from? From A creator? (don't know but lets assume there is a creator. What is his game?)
  3. Why bother? Is life some form of an experiment or video game (like Sim City?)
  4. Looking back; allthough I've had a great life, I know it has no signicance in the grand scheme of things. (The universe doesn't care)
  5. and when I die, I will become omnipotent as a part of the energy of the universe.

Remember that optimism, positive thinking to the nth degree, can have an effect on the pace of PD. Frankly, there are many factors that cause your form of depression. If you can't talk your way out of the illness, see a doctor - they have drugs!

With respect to my daliance with the big"D", the water was too cold. I beached my Macbeth covered toe quickly. I still have doubts, but my pessimism hangs by a thread. I just need the right wit to cut it free.

Life is an unanswered question, but let's still believe in the dignity and importance of the question.
Tennessee Williams