Les anciens knew about it and gave it a name..... (are you ready for it?)....the "!!SOUL" (cue Marvin Gaye). What is "soul"?
Who knows? Is it necessary to describe it? Thinking logically I begin with a Law of Thermodynamics ie; "energy can neither be created nor destroyed". Energy can only change. Our bodies are full of energy.
You guessed it . I call that energy my soul and it is just as important to life as is the heart or brain.
At the start, you drift into unconsciousness.
Your heart has stopped beating; your brain no longer gives a damn and shuts down, and your soul says sayanora.
You are dead!
And what of your energy now? Remember, it can neither be created nor destroyed.
It can change and it has. It is now a part of the energy o f the universe.
Is that just another name for "God"?
Could be.........
boundaries which divide life from death are, at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends and where the other begins? (EdgarA Poe)