I used to think Americans were cut from the same cloth as we canucks, but then they got TRUMPED! Now I am uncertain as to how I should feel. I don'think much has changed with respect to the average citizen. Every person I met in my visits to Florida, Texas and the norttern states were good people. Even some of the "red necks" in the deep south, were appreciated .(a few of whom wouldn't be able to find Canada on a map of North America). Usualy they would ask if I could speak french!!! So they (are) just normal folks; just like us.
How did they get into their present problems?
MY THEORY.. Tthe men (founding fathers) who created the constitution made mistakes, the greatest being they didn't provide a method for ousting their president in the event he went rogue. We know how well Impeachments worked! They created 3 branches, each with equal power. I guess they didn't think that one person would ever RECEIVE AN OVERWHELMING MANDATE (winning congress and stacking the supreme court),and use it to attack their democracy.
The "balance of power" system is not working!
Enter king Donald the 1stt. He won't like the title "king". ....too BRITISH. No, "Supreme Leader" is more his style.
The USA needs a 3rd party, a strong socialist party. We elected a democratic socialist party. I llive in the "51st state" and we would not accept annexation because we are so much better off than Americans.
The parallels wth GERMANY IN THE 30s are mind boggling. A clown, Hitler, and his posse scare me. I am afraid we will have to fight to keep our country. We would lose, but so would the USA and the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons is a dark cloud with no silver lining.
Eventually, Trump would suffer the fate of all despots. There is a majority of freedom lovers in the USA. The possibility of a civil war (North vs South) could occur and Trump and Vance and their cohorts might find themselves hanging upside down from the Washington monument, comme Mussolini.
One can only hope!