
Monday 16 April 2012

Zonin' in the Gloamin'

What follows could be attributed to one or all of the following:

1. PD
2. Mirapex
3. Mad Cow disease
4. The Twilight Zone

I am lying in our queen-sized bed in that state where you appear to be sleeping but you are aware of your surroundings and the people in it. I am lying on my side when I feel a child walking on the bed beside me. His footfalls are real to me. I can feel each one. I will myself to ignore the sensation because there are no children in the house and I must be dreaming. The phantom child continues to jump and then, as mysteriously as it had commenced, the child disappears. I return to trying to get to sleep when I "feel" a presence at the foot of the bed. It's not a child this time. It is an adult. She just stands there. I immediately sit up, my neck hairs bristling to attention. Nothing. Nobody is there. My heart is pounding and I now know the uncertainty felt by Poe's character in The Raven...Deep into the darkness peering. Long I stood there wondering, fearing; doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before..............

Probably just an overactive imagination in the twilight zone of sleep. But, I don't enjoy the results. I would rather trim my nose hairs with a weed whacker!!

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