
Saturday 22 September 2012


PD keeps knocking at my door and I just don't answer. I am too busy building stronger weapons - ie - getting more drugs to battle the invader. Now a new supplement has come my way, one that comes with a story behind it.

You see, my younger brother, the free spirit who,at 63 or 64 (I forget) is pushing his luck trekking up mountains once each year somewhere in the world; Mountains like the first base camp on Mount Everest, Machu Pichu, some mountain in Venezuela........ you get the picture. This year however, he decided to stay at home and hit the wilderness of the Rockies, which he described as "beyond my comfort zone". While on his trek he met a Native healer picking chaga mushrooms who went by the name Sequoyah Trueblood. My sibling didn't know it at the time, but Sequoyah Trueblood is quite famous as a healer and teacher. My brother asked Sequoyah what he was going to do with the mushrooms and got the reply that he was taking them to a place in Calgary where they would be turned into chaga mushroom tea which,he said, was good for people with parkinson's.

What a serenddipitous meeting!

My brother is sending me some, looking out for me (It's a family thing). I will give the tea a shot and let you know the results.

Let's hope it is another weapon in my arsenal to keep Johnny at bay.

By the way, throughout this narrative could you hear my brother's theme song, "The Happy Wanderer"?

I love to go a-wandering,
Along the mountain track,
And as I go, I love to sing,
My knapsack on my back.

My knapsack on my back.

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