A metaphor: a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance.
In other words,some things are not what they seem.
Sunday morning, at 5 AM, I went for my usual walk. At that time of the morning, at this time of year, it is very dark. I turn a corner and sort of see a couple of figures coming toward me (I didn't wear my glasses, ergo, "sort of see"). I continued toward them. I have no fear. I am not even sure they are there. I see things in the shadows when I am not wearing my glasses. The specters kept coming and I, quite stupidly, continued toward them. Still no fear. We live in a very good neighbourhood. The only exciting law-breakers here are mothers picking their children up from school and getting a ticket for blocking the fire hydrant across the road from me.
But it is 5 AM; who goes out at 5AM? Usually only me and the dog walkers who do not want anyone to see their dogs doing their business without the owner picking it up.
Oh yes, I forgot, and bad guys!
When I was about a block away I could see they were two rather large fellows. I debated avoiding them by going down a back lane. For some reason, I did not. We continued our mutual mission. They were quite imposing. I was getting nervous and fear was taking over. I wondered if I should step into the snow bank to let them pass, but no, I kept going straight. We were only a few steps away from each other, when the larger of the two stepped behind the smaller, to let me pass, and both of them said, quite gently, "Good Morning".
Two men in their early twenties (if I had to guess). I think they must have had a rockin' good time Saturday evening and were just going home.
Some things are just not what they seem.
End metaphor.
Hallucinations still startle me. It is usually early in the morning, after my walk, when I am alone and concentrating on the crossword. Out of the corner of an eye, I see things. For example, the other day I saw a small boy playing with cards on the side table. Now usually, I don't bother looking at them and the illusions do not upset me, but this one was so real, I actually turned to see......nothing. I think they must be caused by the medication, or maybe a result of the laser eye surgery I underwent some time ago.
There doesn't seem to be any boundary between reality and hallucination these days. I almost look forward to them.