About 35 years ago, I taught school, grades 7 & 8 in an upscale neighborhood, which just happened to have a large Jewish population. In June, the grade 8 teachers decided to take the children to camp out at a wilderness site. I was to go to the site a couple of days prior to the students' arrival to check the site out and make sure there were no bears nearby (there was one, but that is for another dream/story). I decided I would take a couple of the boys, both of the Jewish persuasion, with me to fish and have some fun. We had a fabulous afternoon, canoeing the lake and catching some good-sized fish and releasing them, but when it came time to eat, we built a fire and the following conversation took place:
- Me: OK, what do you have to eat?
- Student M: What do you mean?
- Me: What did you bring with you for supper?
- Student L: I didn't know we were supposed to bring food (and turning to Student M) Did you bring anything?
- Student M: No..... Mr. J, you didn't say we had to bring our own food.
- Me: I sort of thought that would be obvious but anyway that's OK, I have enough for the 3 of us.
- Student M: Great, what do you have? What's for dinner?
- Me: I have a large tin of Pork and Beans. I hope you like them because there is nothing else.
A funny look appeared on both of their faces and Student L announced "Mr. J, we are Jews; we don't eat pork!" Well, I wasn't going to let them starve, so there I sat, picking all of the pork out of the pork & beans. Think about it for a second. It proved to be a rather nasty and messy chore. Fortunately, they happily ate the remains.
The next day we had exhausted the "pork and/or beans", so for obvious reasons, we did not release the fish we caught that morning.
I enjoyed that dream but, as usual when I get these vivid dreams, I was awakened by a muscle cramp, of the nth degree, in my right lower leg. A few minutes of standing and remembering the incident, cured the cramp and made me smile.