
Thursday, 26 May 2016

Of walls and airplanes.

China has its Great Wall. The Donald has his almost great, but imaginary, Mexican wall. I have my chimerical Great Wall of Melancholy. China's wall was the ambitious icon of some vainglorious leader. You know, sort of like the wall Trump promises but will never build. My wall is composed of all past defeats and intricate fears of the unknown.

The Great Wall was breached by Genghis Khan, but only through spaces where the wall had deteriorated and crumbled. Donald's insipid barrier will never be built and mine? I set my mind, six years ago, to not permit my wall to hinder my progress. I would either go around, over, or through it; but, as an obstacle to my success, it would be powerless to stop me. My weapon? Well, positive thinking of course.

Individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are confronted with physical, psychological, and psychosocial issues that impact quality of life (QoL) The medical community is increasingly recognizing health-related quality of life as a major criterion in evaluation of health interventions, particularly, as it relates to PD, in the context of both motor and non-motor symptoms. There are many coping techniques that can be helpful in adapting to PD. Research has pointed out that maintaining a positive attitude, optimism, and happiness can lead to longer lives, less disability, and increased QoL. Frazier and Marsh encourage individuals to regard PD obstacles as challenges to be overcome, rather than hopeless barriers.

So think like Laura Secord or Paul Revere; nothing can stop you overpowering obstacles to achieving your goal. Through positive thinking, you can contribute to your victory over those devious impediments, real or imaginary, that stand in your way.

Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don't just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won't happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you'll love it up here. ― Donald J. Trump

Perhaps the Donald knows what he is doing afterall.

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