
Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Busload of Faith

I was at the beach on the weekend and decided, at 6 AM, to go for a long walk, using my poles of course. Everything was copasetic for the first mile but things started to go downhill. That feeling we sometimes encounter, you know, the one that pulls you forward, was making inroads into my Norman Rockwell morning. I self diagnosed --Early Stage FESTINATION and I still had a mile left.

I sat down on a bench beside a creek but was mobbed by a gang of mosquitoes eager to get at my veins. They were ferocious little blood suckers. I, unapologetically snuffed out the lives of a few dozen but they outnumbered me and so I threw in the towel and started for home. I was nervous but confident; sort of, I had faith in my ability to overcome festination if it were to start getting serious. I continued. My faith was waning. I wanted to call my wife but I had forgotten my cell phone. I rested, fighting off mosquitoes, some of which were large enough to have sex with eagles. My faith restored, coupled by a few prayers to Gaia (you have to cover all all the bases), I made it home, falling face first into the sofa.

I had beaten festination. My weapon was positive thinking and faith in my abilities.

In this disease, you need a busload of faith to get by.

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