
Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Reality in a snow globe

November was the hottest November on the records. It was so warm,people were out in shorts. No snow, no mosquitos, warm breezes and astounding temperatures- a veritable Eden, without the snake.

Alas and alack, the snake appeared in the form of winter, which struck with a gusto. Heavy, wet snow made roads almost impassible and visibility in the city was by my estimate, 50 feet. I think about 6" of the stuff filled my driveway, so my exercise today included shovelling. Surprisingly, I enjoy the task.

I was able to get my car out and had to travel down the back lane at about 30kph, just to get through the snow to the main road. The rest of my trip was an adventure. Ironically, I have an appointment in the morning to have my snow tires put on the car.

All things considered, it could could have been worse, I could live in Montreal. Winter is not the friend of cities that have hills.

What is the effect of all this on PD. PD slows you down, you become a turtle compared to your old persona. I used to like to run in blizzards because the fallen snow would make my workout that much more difficult. No more. Firstly, I no longer run and secondly slogging through the snow just multiples my slow, parkinson's movements exponentially (or so it seems). It is like walking through deep sand with flippers on one's feet; although, it is good exercise for PWP.

Frankly, who cares?

After slowly negotiating my way through the snow packed streets (in a car) to pick up my granddaughter, I now choose to ignore the PD workout that snow walking gives me and will remain indoors next to the fireplace, with book of the mystery genre and glass of wine, white of course, and hope that I can make it to the car dealership at 7:30AM to get those snow tires.

"A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water." (Carl Reiner)

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