
Thursday, 9 November 2017

Even fools might be right on occasion

You don't miss water until the well runs dry and you don't miss your balance until it says goodbye.

I offer this observation, right or wrong, on one of PD's little offerings. I am having problems with a lack of balance.

Don't get me wrong, I can still walk, but when I turn a corner or try to navigate even a small hill, I get wobbly. It is an unnatural state of affairs. Life should be in balance. Movement without PD was all a matter of internal, automatic maintaining of balance but now, not often, but often enough, it becomes a conscious correcting of balance in order to stay upright. It is particularly prominent in the half hour to hour prior to taking medication. Touch wood the condition does not take a sudden upsurge in progress for I have things to do this summer (more about that later) and I would prefer to do them unassisted.

At times my lack of control, provides a sly laugh to strangers and that can be rather humiliating; however, I subconsciously admit that my prodigious entries in this blog were born of the need to make sure people understood the vagaries of PD and their causal effect on the victim's feeling of humiliation and to help PWP realize they are not alone and should feel free from any indignity brought on by their condition.

“Many of those who are humiliated are not humble. Some react to humiliation with anger, others with patience, and others with freedom. The first are culpable, the next harmless, the last just.” ― Bernard of Clairvaux

I suffer from introspection and can easily conjure up problems that don't exist. It is at once my strength and my weakness. This entry is one or the other.

You choose.

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