Case in point:
Since last Thursday, I have had an upper-body injury (to quote NHL bosses). To be specific, I have a pain in my chest that radiates down my left arm. At first. thinking or perhaps at some level knowing, I might be having a heart attack, I machoed my way through the agony by ignoring it; that is, until the "Dream"
You all know, if you have been reading my blog, we parkie people can have virtual reality dreams. Dreams so vivid they become real, in an unreal manner. I was dreaming about boxing. I was in the ring with an actual pugilist when he suddenly clobbered me with a shot to the chest. It felt like a cannonball had just broken my heart. I awoke immediately, crying into the night, "What the hell was that?" Combined with the continual pain in my chest, I was sure it must have been a heart attack.
Here comes my Ozymandias moment when the brain surrenders its kingly powers.
I didn't want to go to emergency and apparently, nor did my brain; so for 3 more days we sat around arguing and claiming that heart problems couldn't possibly happen to me. Afterall, I was in better shape than most 50-year-olds! But the pain kept getting worse and the name "Jim Fixx" was lolling around and taking up residence in my thoughts.
I called my doctor!
He examined me thoroughly and I was put through an EKG, chest x-ray and stress test. Guess what? No, you are wrong. My heart & lungs & blood pressure are all normal. No heart attack and none imminent. Okay, so the brain won this expedition into the twilight zone. But I and it must smarten up to avoid the fate of Ozymandias.
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings
Look on my Works ye Mighty and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
BTW if anyone from Boxing reads this, will you tell our leaders that my absence is due to an upper-body injury and I am week to week as to my return. It still hurts 7 out of 10 and is getting worse.
I am off to put some snow in a plastic bag.
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