The Davis Phinney Foundation divides the progress of PD into 3 stages:
- One side of the body affected (so far that is me but occasionally I feel it might be making forays into my left side.
- decreased stride or dragging the feet (no dragging but decreased stride for me)
- decreased arm swing (nope)
- scuffling of toes (yup)
- change in leg co-ordination when running or cycling (yup - no longer do those)
- sense of muscle fatigue (not sure. I feel fine right now)
- difficulty completing repetitive movements (not that I have noticed)
- trouble with hand coordination (nope)
- reduced range of motion in shoulders, shoulder pain (got both in spades)
- mask-like face (don't think so)
- decreased or small handwriting (Oh boy! have I ever!)
- symptoms on both sides (not yet)
- Soft speech (Oh, Oh)
- mild swallowing problems (sometimes)
- flex or bent posture (have to admit, that's me)
- motor fluctuations and dyskinesia (nope)
- balance problems (sometimes)
- increased shuffle, freezing of gait & festination (all three but that was 4 years ago - never again after that)
- significant speech and swallowing problems (speech yes, swallowing no)
- drooling (no)
- rigidity in the neck (yup)
Well that clears things up! I am either in the first, second or third stage, (or all three)
Right now, I feel great.