
Monday, 8 October 2018

Stairway to Heaven

Stairway: noun - first used 1767, defined as: one or more flights of stairs usually with landings to pass from one level to another. (Merriam - Webster).

Have you noticed we have an abundance of stairs?

Stairs, Stairs, everywhere there're stairs.
I try to avoid them but I'm gettin' nowhere
Let's replace all stairs
Short ones, long ones, fancy or plain,
If there ain't no elevator, then hear me complain.
Now I have no beef per se with stairs. It is just they scare the crap out of me. Give me an elevator or escalator over a stairway any day of the week. I avoid stairs completely unless they have a sturdy handrail, but then I use them rather reluctantly and only if there is no other option.

If faced with using a handrail-less staircase, I will stay grounded.

I have reached the PD stage where balance is a concern. So much so, that I was unable to ride a bike this past summer. I failed because I couldn't mount the bike. That was humiliating.

An incident today, humbled me even more.

I was out early, walking, using my nordic poles, when I espied a very tiny person, on a very tiny two-wheeled bike, racing down the sidewalk, with his dad in hot pursuit. I stopped and asked the panting father "How old is your little boy?"

He smiled and replied"Three"

"Good Lord!" I chuckled.

"I know!" he said proudly while chasing his kid down the block.

A three-year-old racer! He was three and rode easily. He steered left and right, checking his balance each time. He was having a grand old time. Just out with his dad and making him run. Now, I am 24 times his age and can no longer control my balance enough to even ride a bike!

Oh PD, you bastard! You get closer to victory every day! Why you do me this way!?

Have no fear PWP, the war ain't over yet.

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