
Sunday, 4 November 2018

please help me, I'm falling'

I flew to Toronto and back and on both flights I was twitchy inside and I must have been outside as well. How do I know? I know because someone offered to help me each way. I accepted with thanks.

I feel unbalanced and slow and it must show. I find that humans will go out of their way to lend a hand to the weak, helping lift a bag into a shuttle bus, helping to lift a bag into the overhead and offering their seat to the obviously tired and aging man.

I am frequently off balance. No falls yet, touch wood; but, I must take special care when using stairs (up & down). A handrail is an absolute necessity.

I had a vivid dream last night, I was speedskating on the 400m track. I was on the back 200 and I could feel my speed. The wind on my face was cold and real and the sound of the skate blades cutting the ice provided the music for the night. I awoke disappointed.

I have now seen 2 videos wherein a person exhibiting the worst symptoms of PD has seen those symptoms disappear when

  1. riding a bike
  2. skating
  3. dancing.

These can't be coincidences. There must be an answer to the question "why?" The dragons in the fairytales can be beaten and so can PD. It is only a matter of time.

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