"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively."
He is not POTUS. Can't be. He has no honor, no dignity. He must be one of my PD induced dreams. One of those virtual reality dreams and in this dreamscape, he is building a chimerical wall, designed to keep out mythical bad guys. The problem he fails to see is the wall will also most certainly keep his people in!.
Walls have one thing in common - they eventually crumble.
I had intended to make a metaphor of Trump's wall with a parkinson's wall. I saw it in my dream; but the genius that came to me in the night, conceptualizing a Parkinson's wall, has escaped me and I am reduced to keeping you up to date with my symptoms
I never thought I would reach the falling stage and, as yet, I have had a few falls, but my balance is trending downwards. This is my "unbalance stage".
Whenever I get out of bed, rise up from a chair, or turn suddenly, I have to fight to stay upright. In the morning, I walk down the hallway bouncing from one wall to the other. It is no fun and it is the foreshadowing of things to come. If I try to walk more than 500m, I start to feel the tug of the festination thug and I have to sit before going the same 500m back to my home, my sanctuary.
Let's make a battlefield summary to see who is winning the war.
PD's offense includes sleep problems, loss of voice, tremors, balance issues, walking problems, and on and on.. My response is we will win!My defenses are drugs to control some of the symptoms, exercise, and best of all. I still maintain a positive energy
Say it with me "WE WILL WIN!
Think big and dream PD is defunct and your brain is active and healthy.
It's the only way to go.
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