
Tuesday, 18 February 2020

At life's edge - the death of my wife

ONE HUNDRED S1XTY NINE DAYS AGO,  I lost my wife to the Big "C", a hateful, spiteful disease that creeps up on you like a cat on a sparrow.  It tempts your happiness for just existing.  It's a killer.

My wife went quietly, surrounded by family,   Dignified but still gone.  I held her hand as her life force drifted away.  She had raised 3 great children while I had shuffled along for the ride.  You see everything that is good in our family can be traced back to this wonderful woman.

At first, I didn't grieve too much; after all, she was just out shopping and would be home in an hour or so; and when she gets back we will talk , but.......

She can't be dead!  We had plans......

A moment arrived and settled all around me.  It crept into my body and ruffled my brain, plying me with its syrupy proclamation.  She is dead!  I saw and felt her last breath.  She is gone.  She is dead but  I will always have her with me.  My memory of her smile and her lilting laughter is etched into the ether.  That memory will never die.

 I saw them take her away in a plain, very nondescript body bag and I made room for a twinge of reality.
 Sudden grief flooded the surface of my being.  She was not shopping, she was gone forever.  Would I ever wake up from this hideous nightmare?  When will the grief pass?

 My kids have been great, keeping me occupied.  They worry too much.   I doubt I would be able to see a future for me if I didn't have their help and support.  but....

But when they leave after visiting and I am alone, the silence can be deafening.

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