
Wednesday, 24 February 2021

What's another word for thesaurus (S. Wright)

I have written about my grand hallucination. I truly believed there were 2 people in the house, so I called the police.  Thank God the two cops who came were kind and gentle. They treated me with respect and understanding; otherwise I might still be in a home for the brain dead.  You know, like the setting in "One Flew over the Cuckcoo Nest".

I didn't know at the time, but I have read that about 50% of PWP will suffer from hallucinations, so be prepared. 

What is an hallucination ?  I don't know exactly how to define it.  From my experience(s) I would say an hallucination is the construct of a befuddled brain creating a perception of something that is not there.

Some writers say there is a connection between "hallucinations" and "delusions".   I don't think so. An hallucination does not last.  Once awakened, the hallucinator does not believe his episode.  A delusion on the other hand is a deep and lasting belief in something that is obviously false.  For example, former president Trump's continuing delusion that the election was stolen from him. 

And, BTW, parkinson's disease "psychosis" (I hate that word) will probably worsen over time (like everything else).

What causes PWP to have hallucinations?  Who knows?  To date, nobody knows.  So if you are a newcomer to our ranks, do not be taken in by the purveyors of cures. There are none,  But we are told that a cure is not far off and I heartfully support that conclusion.  Time will tell.  

Sunday, 21 February 2021

In a country with the world's best water, take a drink.

Well I got out of the hospital after 2 nights.  Why was I hospitalized?  A fall that scraped my face and knees so badly and some symptoms of heart problems that my kids all but forced into a hospital bed.

Good thing they did.  I have never had such a complete workup - head, heart, abdomen, blood, etc.

And they found something wrong.

I don't know its medical name but a normal count of whatever it is, is 100; my count was 16,000.  For some reason I think I was severely  dehydrated- probably because they intravenously fed me 48 hours of some liquid and stressed the need for hydration.

When I went home, my face would have scarred young children, 2 days later, there was nary a scab to be seen.   I am a fast healer.

Avoid this scenario  - drink copious amount of water.  There will be some site that recommends the daily required intake.  Qui complianing.  Just do it!

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

The virus is being very rude

 So, we went toe-to-toe with Covid-19 and we were winning but what we didn't realize was...... the war was a tag team match and covid-19 tagged its Brazilian partner and the war was renewed.

Well, the mutant virus soon discovered that it was being routed by vaccines constructed by its enemies.  It was going to lose.  Do you know what it did then?

That's right, it came crawling out of South Africa with extra weapons.  It is uber-virulent and likely more nasty.  The virus is poised to leave Africa and land in North America.  It is The Black Death on steroids.  Just to make certain it will wipe us out, its cousin is slowly, but surely, looking for blood in Brazil.

We are beginning to fight these upstarts and I am confident we will win.  But for your own safety, double the surgical masks or use a KN-95 mask.  Either one will keep the buggers in (out).