
Friday 10 May 2013

I used to avoid thinking

BPD (before parkinson's) I would try to avoid thinking (not possible) because all I thought about was doing something and then doing something else, and another something else, etc, etc until finally, I would have to get up and do something. Because I have a touch of OCD, I would do that something to the point of exhaustion and, you know, it all started with that first little thought; hence, because I also have a touch of shiftlessness, I tried to avoid thinking, preferring to be comatose rather than exhausted.

All that changed with PD. Now I reach the point of exhaustion without doing anything. I work well from 4AM to about 1PM and then it hits me, the most overwhelming tiredness I have ever experienced. There are no adjectives that adequately describe the depth of this fatigue.

For example, I was at a session on the duty to accommodate employees with problems. It was very interesting, but by 2pm, I was awash with lassitude to the point I began to worry about the drive home ...would I fall asleep? etc. I had to leave the class at the break to come home and sleep. It is these sort of symptoms, the unseen ones, that make life harder for PWP.

The Michael J. Fox Foundation has this to say about fatigue and PD:

One of Parkinson’s more insidious symptoms is fatigue. This is not your garden variety bone-tired. This is fatigue on a cellular level. Your body is working overtime to accomplish the simplest of tasks: Taking a shower, answering the phone, pouring orange juice. In addition, you may be coping with the combination of possible cognitive problems known as "Parkinson's apathy". These problems include difficulty initiating projects, inability to follow complex instructions, short-term memory loss and difficulty in switching gears midstream
Fortunately, I don't suffer from Parkinson's apathy. Not yet anyway, but in the future? Who knows? In any event, when it comes to the future, I will avoid thinking and will follow Steve Jobs' method of relying on intuition instead. That worked for him (before his death) but as for me, I need a nap before intuiting anything,

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