
Friday, 6 March 2015

There are symptoms that never show on the body that are more bothersome than any bleeding wound. These are the hidden symptoms of PD

No humor is found in this post, well maybe some. this is just information for people who wonder if they have PD. I have explored some of the hidden symptoms that should give you pause.

  1. unusual anxiety - do you find you get anxious over small matters that would not bothered you before?
  2. weepiness- do you get emotional over the silliest things, like Jennifer Aniston's breakup with Vince Vaughn in that movie, The Breakup - hardly a tear jerker but you still get a little chocked up.
  3. Do you find yourself to be unbelievably constipated for days on end
  4. How about your sex life? Erectile disfuntion? Loss of libido? Enough said.
  5. Are you depressed? You don't want to get out of bed and you really don't care about anything?
  6. Do you sweat alot even though you have not worked out for ages?
  7. Do you find yourself making several trips to the bathroom to urinate? An unusual number for you.
  8. Maybe you have a tremor, maybe you don't.
  9. How about muscle cramps, first an inordinate number of foot cramps then leg cramps that bring tears to your eyes?
  10. Does your body feel weak in your hands and legs?
  11. Are you stiff most of the time?
  12. Do your arms swing naturally of do one or both hang by your side when you walk?
  13. Do you slur your words with an overabundance of saliva?
  14. Can people hear you when you speak?

You don't need to have all of the above to have parkinson's, but these are just some of the symptoms of the condition. When people have tremors and shaking hands, they will seek out medical help but many of the symptoms of PD are hidden; however they are symptoms none-the-less and need to be checked out. Get yourself checked out by a neurologist.

Will you put off seeking medical help because:

  1. You have no tremor which is the only symptom of the shaking palsy? (PD). That's a myth. According to the experts, the real symptoms are anxiety, depression, sweating, erectile dysfunction and bladder problems.
  2. Only old people get PD, nope, another myth. The disease strikes between 5 and 10% of people under 40. The youngest known victim was 3 years old.
  3. If you develop PD, it will eventually kill you. Myth. Without a cure, you will die with PD but it won't kill you.
  4. You are going to end up in a wheel chair. Quite possible but know this, in most cases the progression of the disease is slow. It took 30 years for Mohammed Ali to be chaired.
  5. There is no cure for PD. Unfortunately true. But, drugs can alleviate the symptoms to allow you to lead a fairly normal life for a decade or three and advances in research are leading to a cure hang in there

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