2. Only swimming is better for the body than nordic walking. With the help of the poles, the body is propelled forward, resulting in a full body workout. Nordic walking requires the use of 90% of your body's muscles. It strengthens your back muscles, trains your core and tones and shapes your body.
Nordic walking is popular in Scandinavian countries where nordic (cross-country)skiers use the technique to keep in shape during the summer.
Get some poles. They are not expensive and use them 3 or 4 times per week. I guarantee the exercise you get from their use will be beneficial to your parkinson's. It is a low impact "speed" walk that burns 40% more calories than normal walking.
3. While on the roller coaster of a boat ride heading out to sea for deep sea fishing, I felt that the boat was rolling so much, we might capsize. The next thought that entered by weak mind was "Sharks". Back in the condo, I googled sharks and learned that sharks bite roughly 70 people each year worldwide, with perhaps 6-10 fatalities. Although shark bites get a lot of attention, this is far less than the number of people injured each year by elephants, bees, crocodiles, lightning or many other natural dangers.Small comfort to a person in the water who doesn't know what lies beneath. But, swimming is a good exercise for PWP and swimming pools are usually devoid of sharks, elephants, bees and crocodiles.
PS thanks to Gale for the information and picture of the baby seals.
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