How do I know? I don't really. It is just a "feeling" I have, based on observation.
For example, there have been several times in the past month where I have neglected to take my medication for as much as 8 hours without any effect on my tremor, gait, balance, etc. I think these symptom-free, non-medicated, moments are directly related to my walking and 5 years since diagnosis, not much has changed for me symptom-wise. Oh, I have the occasional joy of festination- 3 bouts in 5 years, but if I concentrate on "heal toe, heal toe" I can walk a normal walk. Using trekking poles increases the benefit of walking. Poles and an ipod, that is. Without one or both, I grow bored after 45 minutes and return to the stable. Today, I made use of both, with the result that I walked over 5 miles (10,800 steps)in a little over 1.5 hours. Not a great rate, but I was day-dreaming all the way.
Often I use these walks to priorize (prioritize?) elements of my workday. My goal is 20,000 steps in one session. Kind of like wishing on a star but so what? If I can visualize it, I can do it.
Of course all my bragging can be off-putting to others. A good friend, jokingly (I hope) sent me a quote by Noel Coward: "I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me." Well, I will continue to annoy you all by proselytising my message to the non-believers. Be aware. I can't talk, but I can still write.
Here are today's readings:
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