
Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Searching for the void

A good friend of mine suggested I should try daily meditation and offered this site by way of explanation. Here is an excerpt:

In 1995, I developed symptoms of advanced Parkinson's disease with severe tremor, festinating walk, unintelligible speech, mask-like facial expression, significant pain, constipation and urinary incontinence. During my three year journey to a symptom-free state, I utilised a number of self-help strategies and complementary remedies. Prime among my activities was daily meditation, and involvement in a weekly meditation group. I observed that, while meditating, many of my symptoms reduced in intensity and, over time, this intensity reduction lasted for some time after meditating. Other benefits I noticed were improved sleep patterns, clearer thought processes and, interestingly, improved relationships with work colleagues. If I missed my daily meditation for any reason, I found I was less able to make decisions, my tremor increased, and I felt generally less well.

I just don't think I could sit still for long and empty my brain. I see meditation as the pursuit of nothingness and I would inevitably get distracted by something shiny. I think I almost achieve a meditative state while walking. I let my mind drift to the point that I can't remember what I was thinking about a few seconds after thinking it. At these times I am aware only of my posture and the odd car that passes by and breaks up my mindlessness. If that is meditation, then I am an expert. However, I think I shall give the real thing a try. I can't do it cold turkey, I will need a little help.

A few years ago (about 40 of them that is!) my wife and I went to see a stage hypnotist, Raveen. He was very entertaining and after the show, we purchased his records (vinyl, of course) one of which involved relaxation. Soothing music with his hypnotic instructions actually did put your mind in another place. I plan to scour the net and find similar recordings and see if I can reap some of the benefits of meditation.

It is like taking chicken soup to cure a cold - it may not help, but it can't hurt.


  1. Wpgchap, what is the site you are reffering to? The link does not work.

  2. Thanks for pointing that out. I have corrected it in my post, but here is the URL
    this site
