
Saturday, 19 September 2015

If it doesn't itch, I will wear it.

I am here in Paris, the city of sights. There is a chic here that I did not know existed. My personal style is, well, maybe best described as teenage grunge.....kind of a prairie meltdown. In this city, where men wear scarfs in the summer and not to ward off the cold, I stood out like the Eiffel Tower itself. (Note to reader: The use of the past tense in the last sentence is deliberate, because I got what I needed - a crash course on style and chicness.)

Chicness: according to Collins English dictionary, a noun meaning "the condition of being stylish or elegant

Well, let's pretend "elegance" is not required. I had to be in style. To solve my condition, my wife took me shopping and upgraded my personal style with a jacket that has all the flavor of a train porter in the 1950's or a baccarat dealer in Monaco. But I like it, and I no longer appear to be a prairie bumpkin. My only fear is that I now dress so well, people might think I am gay (not that there is anything wrong with that!)and I would hate to disappoint some callow fellow.

But, enough of GQ and on to PD.

You remember that quaint joke about the handicapped guy and the TV evangelist?

Drowning with religious fervor, the evangelist places his hands on the head of the man on crutches and appeals loudly to god,"Lord heal this man" and removing his hand he adds, "The Lord has healed thee, throw away your crutches and walk." The man enthusiastically drops his crutches and......... falls flat on his face!

Not much of a joke you say? Well I tend to agree. I have included it as a preface to my story. I have thrown away my crutches (my trekking poles) and have not fallen flat on my face. In fact, I have walked at least 4 miles each of the last 3 days, sans poles, and have not felt the cruelty of festination once (here the blogger touches wood). Granted my race walking days are over; I have only one speed - glacial, but it feels good.

So, if you see a stylish slow walker passing by, wave, it might be me, or Stepin Fetchit in disguise.

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