
Monday, 7 September 2015

The moan zone beckons, so be strong

I believe I have the tremor dominant form of PD. I remember the first time I noticed the tremor. I had put in an hour in the swimming pool followed by some weight training and a run indoors. I left the building feeling proud of myself, thinking I had worked so hard it was causing my right hand to shake. It faded away a minute later and I thought nothing of it. For some time after, PD would only make an appearance after a good run but then, one morning while I was on vacation, the shaking started spontaneously, without the provocation of any instigator. Diagnosis: Early stage Parkinson's.

You all know that not all PWP have a tremor. About 20% are tremorless and for the other 80%, while tremor may be the most noticeable symptom; we are not immune to the other delights of the condition. Parkinson's does not follow a script; it does what it wants to do.

It turns out that if you have to have PD, tremor dominant is the type to have because it seems it is the slowest to progress. But, PD can ignore this finding and send you to its last stage as quickly as it does with non-tremor victims. You just never know. But fight the good fight. It would be easy to submit to the eccentricities of the enemy. We must think positively and avoid the alluring darkness.

Have I mentioned you should also..ah.. exercise?

Quit farting around PD. Make up your PD mind because I have made up mine. I am going to thrive in spite of you.

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