
Saturday, 17 October 2015

Here be dragons

"HC SVNT DRACONES" The story goes that explorer's maps of old would warn of dragons in unexplored territory. In fact, there was only one globe that contained the phrase but, let's not drift off into academia. Trivia is not the point of this entry. The point is, unfortunately, there might really be dragons in the unknown.

So,tadaaa, it is time for a metaphor.

For PWP, the future is our unknown. There might be dragons, might not. But, things are looking up. In 2011, Dr. Oz commented on Oprah that within 8 or 9 years, there would be significant advancements toward curing parkinson's through stem cell therapy (Watch the video) But 4 years after his prediction, the future is still unknown and for some PWP, there be dragons there. To them, the future is bleak.

Not for me. I remain positive, a bit shaky, but positive that my future's so bright, I have to wear shades. That is if you don't count the fact my future has only 10 - 15 years left in it. I expect my "good before" date will arrive around age 85.

But, I don't expect to die with parkinson's. I choose to believe Dr. Oz and guess what? When the uncharted territory was finally explored, the explorers found no dragons.

Here endith the metaphor,

1 comment:

  1. Here's one for you.....
