So,tadaaa, it is time for a metaphor.
For PWP, the future is our unknown. There might be dragons, might not. But, things are looking up. In 2011, Dr. Oz commented on Oprah that within 8 or 9 years, there would be significant advancements toward curing parkinson's through stem cell therapy (Watch the video) But 4 years after his prediction, the future is still unknown and for some PWP, there be dragons there. To them, the future is bleak.
Not for me. I remain positive, a bit shaky, but positive that my future's so bright, I have to wear shades. That is if you don't count the fact my future has only 10 - 15 years left in it. I expect my "good before" date will arrive around age 85.
But, I don't expect to die with parkinson's. I choose to believe Dr. Oz and guess what? When the uncharted territory was finally explored, the explorers found no dragons.
Here endith the metaphor,
Here's one for you.....