
Wednesday, 7 October 2015

I'm forever blowing bubbles; pretty bubbles in the air

When to start on drugs? I see it as a choice - quality of life when I still feel young, or endure the tremors for now and have a better life later. Tough choice, but I did it and have yet to regret it....

I have been seen by 3 neurologists. The second neuro I saw described his practice as a "ham and cheese office" meaning he didn't usually take long term patients (I was familiar with him and had requested he see me). The first neuro I had seen told me I should not take drugs until my symptoms interfered with my life. "After all," he said, looking over his glasses, "You are not a watch maker." Some attempt at humor. I would have stayed with him had I not been acquainted with the second doctor who immediately started me on mirapex and amantadine. Thank you God. I have been for the most part relatively free of noticeable symptoms. My life is approaching normalcy. The third neurologist, a well known specialist in movement disorders, added L-dopa/carbidopa, in my 4th year to join to my required "cocktail of PD drugs".

So I put normalcy now ahead of possible problems 10 years from now. I took the drugs and continue to do so 4x per day, every day. But query, when should you start your drug regime? I have no answer because, it being the nature of the beast, it naturally follows, the starting date for drugs is different for every person. I lucked out. You have to listen to your doctor and perhaps get a second opinion and then make a Hobson's choice.

Or, as Yogi Berra put it, "When you get to a fork in the road, take it."

For me, I took the horse offered. If I am wrong, I will regret it later but for now, I am riding tall, but my background music playing deep in my psyche is Dean Martin signing:

I'm forever blowing bubbles
Pretty bubbles in the air
They fly so high, nearly reach the sky
Then like my dreams they fade and die


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