
Thursday, 19 November 2015

Invasion of the Lewy Bodies

Diagnosis confirmed, I began reading about parkinson's. It didn't seem so bad in my case because the medicine kept my life close to normal. I wasn't happy about having a degenerative brain disease, but I can't say it really bothered me. That is until a friend mentioned that her mother had died with parkinson's with lewy bodies. That was not the news I wanted to hear and so I began my research into lewy bodies. They are some sort of twisted protein moving into areas of our brains. Get enough of them in the wrong area and you have lewy body dementia. The bad news in the brains of PWP lurk these proteins. The "good" news is not everybody who has parkinson's will suffer from dementia.

Do you wonder if you have LBD or are going to get it? There is no test for lewy bodies. They can only be discovered by autopsy; therefore, you can't predict your predicament. Symptoms of the condition can vary from person to person; however, see your doctor if:

  • you see things that are not there
  • you can no longer concentrate
  • you have parkinson's-like symptoms (tremor, stiffness, etc
  • you have moments when you are lucid and other times when you are completely "out of it" and make no sense

There is a chance you have(LBD). If you do, it will proceed rapidly and there is nothing you can do about it. Scary, right. The thought of having to deal with that still lurks in the shadows of by brain but for the most part, I can ignore it.

If you want an excellent summary of dementia in general and LBD in particular, visit this blog.

Post scriptum I wrote this on the 18th and coincidentally the MJF posted an FAQ paper which is really worth READING

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