
Monday, 2 November 2015

Part of the Mystery is solved

I am alive and bored so I have to write. I am in a professorial mood so I can't predict what this entry will encompass. Let's think about the mysterious wall banging and other auditory hallucinations I have suffered lately. Living with a mystery can be an adventure in cybernetics. Is it possible to control the uncontrollable, the impossible, the unlikely? Unfortunately, at times, such a possibility can exist. Mystery is relief from ennui so why would we look for ways to control the workings of our brains?

Why not let the brain run amok and sit back and enjoy places we have never before visited?

The answer is, I don't know enough to answer my own query. The extent of my knowledge about the workings of the brain can be summed up as my brain regulates and controls me, not vice versa. The brain is in control of the subalterns of the nervous system. Maybe.

For we people with parkinson's, this problem of control is paramount. In an area of the brain there exists the substantia nigra. There is a war going on there between the brain and itself. The battlefield is becoming a ghost town as the cells that dwell there, and produce dopamine, die off for unknown reasons. Dopamine is a chemical that transmits signals within the brain to facilitate smooth movements of the muscles. The brain has lost control of that area of the brain ergo, we have lost control and we want to get it back. I am betting we will within the next 15, or so, years.

But you all know this, so what mystery was solved? Did I obtain control of the brain. Sadly, no.

You will recall that I have been having hallucinations of the auditory variety. Remember 3 knocks on the wall? Well, problem solved. For some reason, my ipad every so often, in the middle of the night, makes the sound of something, or somebody, knocking on wood. I discovered that when I stayed up later than usual a couple of days ago. Maybe I am not going insane! On the other hand, there is no explanation for the sound of breaking glass or someone calling my name. Hmmm there has to be a logical reason but at least the sound of knocking on wood has been completely cleared up (here the blogger "knocks on wood").

This entry is going nowhere but I feel better having written it. I am going to stop now, lest I lose this feeling of semi-euphoria. I must say that was a refreshing write! Kind of "other worldly", but it vanquished my ennui. I believe I will hit the treadmill.

You see, ennui and exercise are not compatible and exercise can hold the front line in the substantia negra. So get yourselves off the couch and get active. It is the only control you have over this condition.

1 comment:

  1. I'll second that emotion. BTW, have you seen this "super brain yoga" video?
