
Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Hot Town, summer is serenity

It is hot, approaching 80F (about 25C). The various kinds of birds vying to be the loudest on the Lincoln Road Mall create a background symphony. I am in the tropics. It always amazes me that I can leave 3 feet of winter snow and cold and arrive in the summer 6 hours later.

In the tropical warmth I am becoming braver as I walk with my wife, without my nordic walking poles, the 38 minutes it takes to get to the nearest bookstore. I buy a book, Jeffrey Deaver. Supply must be limited, because the price is $18.00 USD, which I reckon to be $24.00 CDN and did I mention, it is a paperback?

That is just the way it is here in South Miami Beach where there is only one bookstore within walking distance. There are not many visitors who come here to read, but I need it for the plane trip. Westjets' newest plane is devoid of TV's. They have an entertainment system but it can't be accessed unless you have your tablet and pay $8.00 to pass the time. Anyway, no reading down here for me. Fortunately, I love walking, especially in the heat. I find tranquility in walking. I was afraid that this year, I would be unable to walk very far without my sticks to lean on. I was mistaken. I can still do it, cautiously of course, but serenely.

Turns out I am a big fan of serenity.

Today, my wife makes her annual trip to Dolphin Shopping Mall. I am told it is a huge shopping mall about .5 hours away by shuttle. That means I have to kill off the day by myself. Not an easy job. I plan a 3 mile walk followed by a long rest, not reading my book; rather, watching TV and napping. I might be overdoing the distance, but what the hey; life is short.

I am getting very little sleep, about 3 to 4 hours a night. Thanks PD, you sorry sleep-depriving bastard. The result is, by the afternoon I am more than exhausted and I think this can lead to scary events. These events are due to exhaustion, I hope, or dementia is creeping in. Yesterday morning for example, I wanted to turn the sound down on my computer and for about 1 minute or so, I could not remember how to do it. I was asleep shortly thereafter. I was scared for a moment, but that moment has passed.

Have I told you how hot this town can be? The local indigenous are so spoiled. My wife asked our waitress if it had rained much lately.

"No," the lady replied "But at least it is warm. It has been so cold; down in the low 60's!!"

On that day, the temperature back home boasted a high of 23F, which amounted to a winter heatwave. The forecast for the rest of our stay is in the mid to high 70's. That is perfect weather, as the heat seems to help keep my symptoms locked away. It is also perfect weather for a 3 mile stroll. Ambitious, yes. Impossible, maybe, but with my touch of OCD and persistence, I will reach tranquility base.


I did it without poles and without incident.

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