Now I expect that the magicians working on a cure will conjure one up in 5 years or less. You heard me right. I give them 5 more years.
I expect I will not have deteriorated too far by then and will benefit from whatever they come up with. I am already 5 years post dx and truly, I feel fine. I just don't feel parky most of the time? Why is that, you may ask. There are 4 possibilities:
- I am just one of the lucky ones.
- The drugs (mirapex , amantadine & L-dopa)keep on working their magic.
- My exercise regime has slowed the deterioration
- I am currently involved in a study to see if caffeine will slow the process and hopefully, I am not on a placebo, and the drug is working,
Several thousands of people are involved in research projects. There are scientists concentrating on finder a cure. I am holding out for their research to produce a positive result. I give them 5 years.
In the meantime, I just heard on TV that mary jane (cannabis) may be an important drug in all brain deterioration disorders. Urge your prime minister, member of parliament, congress man/lady, etc to get this drug out of the darkness of illegality. To my friends in the USA, vote for Hillary. The Donald looks poised to become the republican nominee and he might set our movement back to the dark ages on religious grounds (if he actually has any religion in his internal election briefcase). We are on the side of the angels. In the words of Carl Sagan:
“The illegality of cannabis is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.”
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