
Saturday, 20 April 2019

Pseudo science??

I was talking to a fellow boxer yesterday and we were discussing who gets PD.  Here are some of the characteristics of a PD prone personality (reprint from an earlier entry)

Your chances of being a victim of PD increase if:

1. you have red hair
2. you are male
3. you are >60
4. you are Amish (in which case, you are probably not reading this)
5. you have a close relative with PD
6. you have suffered a head trauma at some point(s) in your life
7. you are caucasian
8. you are a junkie

There are many other weird and wild statistics, but still, I wouldn't worry about PD - unless your hand is doing a 2-step. Then, go see a doctor.

By the way, if you are a black haired, drinker and smoker, your chances of being a victim are reduced; but, then you have to worry about these little beauties: cirrhosis, emphysema and lung cancer.

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