
Sunday 11 April 2021


Progressive Supranuclear Palsy "PSP"


I have a friend whose husband died from PSP. In all my reading, I had never heard of such a disease.  It is rare, with estimates that between 3- 6 out of 100,000 people will develop PSP.  More men than women are victims  and onset is usually after age 60.


PSP is Parkinson's on steroids.


PSP victims suffer with problems of physical balance,  eye problems, anger and depression, apathy, problems with speech and swallowing, and movement challenges. 

Sounds a lot like PD, doesn't it, and indeed, it is often misdiagnosed as PD.


It is not PD, so stop checking off your symptoms.  PSP progresses more rapidly than PD and rarely responds to PD drugs.  Tremors rarely show in PSP.   

Also, people with PSP show accumulation of the protein tau in affected brain cells, while people with Parkinson’s disease show accumulation of a different protein, called alpha-synuclein.  That ought to convince you that you have PD and not PSP!!!! 

Learn more about this insidious condition 

 <href="" >PSP</a> 

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