We change premiers ( leader of the party with the most seats in the legislature) only through elections and, guess what.....provincial premiers have a right to call elections whenever they please, so long as the election occurs within at least five years of the last one.
Why is this such a bad thing? The current premier of Manitoba is Brian Pallister who, inspite of winning the last 2 provincial elections, has the lowest approval rating of any premier in Canada, according to a May online survey by the Angus Reid Institute. Given his popularity, what are the chances of Pallister calling an election any time soon?
His grip on the province is somewhat like trumps grip on the southern states. In fact, he governs using Trump's approach...my way or the highway. His "policies" stink of a benificial dictator.
And that is the reason why Manitoba is the "HOT SPOT" in north America for Covid-19. His approach is if he doesn't like something he will come up with a directive to bring it in line. He has no view of the entire problem, just a reaction to the latest problem without understandings of the ridiculous situations created by his reaction.
For example:
The problem-----the long weekend is approaching and people are going to want to get out of the house and, God forbid, have parties.
His solution----we will forbid non-household people associating (with exceptions) for the duration of the month. One exception is that one person per household can enter a grocery store. The absurdity of this "policy" was pointed out by Winnipeg's Mayor, Brian Bowman, who decried that under this restriction, his wife would not be able to go for a go for a jog with a friend but they could shop for groceries at the same time.
I know many people would be upset but I think the policy should be a complete shut down (except for essentials) for at least 3 weeks with an all-out drive to vaccinate every citizen.
It should be done soon, before the virus mutates into a form that is unaffected by by the vaccine.
Now we hear Pallister has the audacity to blame the Whitehouse for our problems. That is fodder for another entry.
What has this got to do with PD?
You figure it out.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein