In his essay/advertisement "I used to suffer Parkinson's". Steve Peterson gives a surprisingly good account of Parkinson's from onset (causes) on through classic symptoms to how he cured himself of PD. Part of this is worth reading, especially if you are a newbie.
In the end, it is just a story to flog a book called "The Parkinson’s Protocol" for $49.00. I have never read the book, as impressive as it appears. but if, as suggested by Steve, following the author's protocol will lead to cure, I never will read it!
At the moment, THERE ARE NO CURES. Got that??? On May 23, 2021, Parkinson's cannot be cured
Having been diagnosed in 2011, I am confident of that statement.
I think I am upper stage 2 or lower stage 3, but I am also confident that I have a few good years left and I will tell you why and it won't cost you $49.00.
Here goes.
The reasons my PD is on the slow track are due to:
1. taking my pills as prescribed by the neuro
2. exercise (moderate 2 - 3 hours a week)
3. positive thinking
Yes. "positive thinking". Never doubt its power.
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