
Wednesday 1 February 2012

Something is happening here, but you don’t know what it is, do you, Mister Jones?

I have been getting along very well. The drugs work wonders. Most of the time I feel perfectly normal. My voice is low and raspy, like Bob Dylan's, only worse. But that is really the only outward indication of my malady; although, my wife claims she can see it in may face sometimes. Maybe.

However, last night I was awakened by a cramp in my right leg. Now if you have never experienced a PD cramp, it is impossible to give you an understanding of how painful it is, but believe me, it HURTS. It went away but an hour or so later, I was awakened by a very strange feeling. My entire body was shivering, like I was experiencing hypothermia. The room was warm. The temperature outside was about -3C (27F), unseasonably warm. I had on good pyjamas ("pajamas" for my friends down south) and, I was under a comforter. I couldn't be cold, that seemed very unlikely. Still, I thought I must be chilled so I brought a heating pad into bed. That didn't bring immediate relief, but the feeling eventually went away and I fell back asleep. I have no idea if the feeling disappeared as a result of the heating pad, but I am leaning away from that explanation. The fact is, I just don't know. Is this another of PD's little joys?

The unknowns of PD keep revealing themselves to me. I would find them fascinating if I weren't the victim.

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