
Thursday, 20 July 2017

PD can bide its time out on the slow lane

My PD is progressing rather slowly but I am acutely aware that could change at any time. Why? I've been good. Tried to be nice to my friends and enemies. I like dogs and other small animals. If I rapidly decline, it will not be fair!

OK, let's get this straight. Fairness, good or bad, is not the cause of any sudden PD decline. When, and, if and only if, I experience rapid deterioration, I shall be ready. The net has articles on the subject, so let's hear from the experts.

Here are the top10 reasons for rapid decline ( devised by Brian Megennis, parkinson's disease nurse specialist, Mater Misericordiac University Hospital, Dublin)

  1. Constipation
  2. illness / surgery, infection
  3. Stress related episode
  4. Dehydration
  5. Withdrawal / change in meds /non-compliance
  6. Use neuroleptics or other contra-indicated drugs (neuro what?????)
  7. Depression
  8. Acute/chronic paid
  9. Anxiety, panic attacks
  10. poor sleep / lack of sleep

Well, just another in a long list of the joys of PD. But, it won't happen to me. No way. Why?

Here is why.

  1. I used to suffer from the Aztec 2-step. Constipation is welcome.
  2. I don't believe that I will ever get THAT sick
  3. No stress. I am the embodiment of mellow yellow
  4. I drink the required amount of water daily
  5. I won't need a change in meds. The ones I have, work well.
  6. I don't know what these are and I refuse to look them up.
  7. I have never suffered from a serious depression. Why would that change?
  8. I have had chronic pain and I could deal with it then and will deal with it if it arises in the future.
  9. Not likely to happen.
  10. Sleep! Who needs sleep?

No, I won't be a victim of the rapid loss syndrome. It is not in my future (here the writer touches wood. You know......Just in case.)

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