I wish I had taken her advice yesterday - about taking my pills. I am supposed to take them 4x per day. Yesterday, I remembered to take them only 2x. I paid for it later. When I was about to fall asleep, a cramp inserted itself into my left leg but, I handled that quite easily by standing for a couple of minutes following which, I quickly fell asleep. Two hours later my right calf went ridged - that woke me up and I didn't realize what was happening until my toes started to curl under and my foot tried inching its way upward and inward. My God! I HADN'T TAKEN MY PILLS! I was in agony and had to stand for about 7 minutes until the cruel cramp began to release me. I immediately took one amantadine and a double dose of mirapex and lay back down. The pain subsided, but the shadow of the pain remains even now, after 24 hours.
Lesson learned? You would think so, wouldn't you? But, before starting this entry, I was immersed in my work and forgot to take my third dose today - only a couple of hours late.
I have a astonishing ability to forget, which has long served me well, allowing me to experience oblivion when it suits me. But now is not that time. I will remember my drugs because I will take my caregiver's advice tomorrow.....well, hopefully. We'll see.