
Tuesday 12 August 2014

I am the Lord of the Dance said he.

I saw, on TV, that somebody was going to research the effects of dancing on the progression of PD. I have heard that it is the best exercise for PWP.

Hhhmmm. I would rather trim my nose hair with a weed wacker than get up and dance.

Of course having 2 left feet has not always the case. In my 20's, young and single, I danced up a storm. A perfect Fred Astaire. I had moves he could only dream of. For some curious reason, rhythm only came to me after the 10th beer. I felt cool and I knew I looked cool. But, sober the next day, reality would arrive and Robert Burns would sneak into my brain:

"O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!

But, the DWP (Dancers with parkinson's), tout the benefits of dance. Who am I to argue? Maybe I will give it a shot and try some solo Watusi before going public. That should be sufficient motive to remain stationary. There is a better chance that you will see me being eaten by a shark on the Canadian prairies than you will ever see me dancing; unless, I have imbibed. Concerned for my dignity, I think I will stick to my exercise regime and leave dance to those who have the moves. Anyway, here are 10 reasons why PWP benefit from Dance:

  • Dance develops flexibility and instills confidence.
  • Dance is first and foremost a stimulating mental activity that connects mind to body.
  • Dance breaks isolation.
  • Dance invokes imagery in the service of graceful movement
  • Dance focuses attention on eyes, ears and touch as tools to assist in movement and balance.
  • Dance increases awareness of where all parts of the body are in space.
  • Dance tells stories.
  • Dance sparks creativity.
  • The basis of dance is rhythm.
  • The essence of dance is joy

Some of these reasons seem to be a little.....well, you know what. But, if you are "into it", go ahead and dance the night away. You have my permission but, as somebody said, someone watching you who can't hear the music, will think you have gone insane.

By the way, hits have passed the 25,000 mark and I had my first hits this week from Iraq and Ukraine where I hope the troubles are resolved soon. Peace be to you and yours.

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