I am so tired these days. I can hardly lift my legs and I have begun to shuffle. You can hear me coming like a well fed zombie. I was lying on my bed feeling exhausted. I drifted off and lo and behold, my dream was of a grizzly bear attacking me. Fortunately, I woke up with a start just when the bear was rising on his hind legs with outstretched arms and I was going to have to wrestle with it, but I was too tired.
I looked at my clock. Only 5 minutes had passed since last looked at it. Short sleep. Long dream.
"A wrestling match with a bear!" I thought, "Ridiculous".
I got up and zombie walked to the kitchen to finish my crossword puzzle. I was half asleep when it came to me. It wasn't a bear I had been wrestling with; rather, it was PD. The bear was just a metaphor for the evilness of Parkinson's. Eureka! I had outdone myself. In my exhausted state, I had twisted a dream encounter about a bear into a parable about PD.
So, what was the lesson we should all take from this parable. Well first, if you are wrestling a grizzly the match will be over when he gets tired, not when you do (PD never stops attacking) and secondly......well.....there is no secondly. So I will leave you with this advice, If you go out in the woods tonight, prepare for a big surprise. If you go out in the woods tonight, you better.......(you know the rest)
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