
Wednesday, 14 September 2016

I have a ghost that you can't see

I went to see my neurologist, after having completed an hour's loud speaking with my speech therapist. Both appointments went well. Therapy is already helping - a good friend remarked, "you are talking loud now " What a welcome compliment! kk

The doctor had little to do, only to say, "You look good. How long ago were you diagnosed?" Thus endith the appointment.

My explanation for the slow progression of PD is 2-fold, (i) good luck and (ii) exercise.DS

Not hs all is good, but that which is not good, is manageable; aElxcept kk fir one 'maddening thing, the tendency of additional, unwelcome, letters in words or spaces, entered into my text by roque fingers ha. It is not my wish to spell "except" as "aElxcept", nor do I suggest "DS", "kk" and "hs" serve any purpose. I did not put them there, my fingers, operating independently, authored those little gems. They are my speed bumps, causing me to slow down, stop, and make corrections while trying to spew my thoughts efficiently, devoid of finger tremor.

I have to goo now; it is dinner aEtaiime (believe it or not, that is how the ghost within me spelled "time".)

Isn't PD interesting? Are we having fun yet?


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