
Monday 11 February 2013

Je me Souviendrai, demain, Wednesday at the latest

I didn't follow my meds regime yesterday. I was too busy balancing my books and I forgot all about PD. The result, predictably, was a return of one of my symptoms that the drugs seem to easily control........ Balance, or lack thereof. Can you recall the first few times, in your youth, when you got drunk. All those times you got wasted to avoid wasting time? It was fun and rather dangerous because you didn't seem to have control over your legs. Remember, when you went to rise out of a chair, you would invariably stumble and grab onto the nearest object while muttering a slurred "Oh Oh". Well when my symptoms are making themselves public, I have that same feeling of a lack of control. Getting up out of a soft sofa is problematic. So far I have always succeeded but I know that someday, I might have to grab on to something or some one and my utterance will make more sense than "Oh OH" and certainly will not be suitable children. Until that day, I will survive.

As I was writing the last paragraph, an image of the licence plates in Quebec popped into my failing brain. The provincial motto since the late 1800's is "je me souviens". I don't know what they are remembering. All I know is, I should write it on the back of my hand (future tense, of course)so that je n'oublierai pas to take my medication.

Another fall, in public, is inevitable. I will spit out an embarrassed giggle and try to make myself invisible. Fortunately, I have no problem telling everyone I am stricken with parkinson's, so that won't happen. I will gather my dignity, get back up, dust myself off and explain to the concerned audience that my acrobatics were caused by PD. I will inform them that, just like Michael J Fox, PD is the best thing that ever happened to me.


“It was a lie but he believed in telling lies to people. Truth telling and medicine just didn't go together except in dire emergencies, if then.” (from The Godfather)

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