
Friday 8 February 2013

Me & Gravity

I hate to harp on about it, but my relationship with gravity has become permanently damaged. Yes, it is true, I am at war with gravity which, by the way, is not easily won. Today, I had to revisit the the law of gravity (which I now have to consult before taking my morning walk.). Simply said, the law of gravity is F = G x [(m1 + m2) / (d x d)] or, if you prefer, "things fall downward".

More relevant is the body's centre of gravity (or centre of mass). Being somewhat of a nerd, I had to have a definition and found this:

"the point at which the entire weight of a body may be considered as concentrated so that if supported at this point the body would remain in equilibrium in any position."

Interesting (or perhaps not). I further discovered my centre of mass is located about midway up my torso, ergo, if I fall, it is because I lean too far forward when I walk, placing my centre of gravity out in front of my feet and I become unstable. The result is, I fall down (after of course, enduring that humiliating uncontrolled walk/run). I can defeat gravity be remaining upright.


Of course, I had to test my hypothesis on my walk this morning. Do you know how hard it is to consciously keep one's body in a strict 90 degree, statuesque, position over 2.5 miles? I didn't make it, but fortunately, gravity was just reconnoitering today, trying to figure out my strategy. It is determined to get me. How annoying is that? But ever onward, I shall walk as if a stick were placed well into the external opening of my rectum.

Waiting around for nature to make a fool of you can be a total pain in the ass!

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