
Monday 26 March 2012

" An Englishman's way of speaking absolutely classifies him."

If the title of this entry is correct, then I am screwed! My word retrieval skills are declining. I know what I want to say but I can't think of the word and anyway, my mouth lags behind my brain even when I know the word. This results in awkward hesitations or complete pauses as I search for the word, can't find it, and search for an alternate word. I can see people trying to adjust to my speech patterns and patiently and politely wait until the words come out.

This doesn't happen all the time. If I am totally stress free and not trying to make a point, or depart scholarly information, or win an argument, I am hesitation free. However, when it does occur, it can be embarrassing.

Fortunately, it does not affect my writing. The words come quickly and easily for me and there are no difficulties with word retrieval when I write.

I start intensive speech therapy next week. It is designed to increase the volume of my voice; perhaps it will help with word retrieval.

Until then, I will sit around looking wise, saying nothing and grunting.

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