
Monday 21 November 2011

Falling down became second nature and it really didn't bother me. (Nancy Kerrigan)

The bad thing about the internet is one can become an "expert" on any disease. There are thousands of sites on the internet about parkinson's and I have probably read most of them. The problem is, if you at all trend toward hypochondria, you start to experience some or all of the symptoms you have read about, or at least you think you do.

Falling is relatively common among PWP. I had a bad fall this summer, actually going head over heels down the sidewalk. There was blood! However, later, after discovering a bump in the sidewalk, I knew that the cause was clumsiness and not PD. But, for a while there, I wondered.

PD affects the victim's balance and every so often I stumble. When I get out of bed, I have to stop for a second just to make a dizzy feeling go away. Of course, this doesn't happen every time I "de-bed"; just sometimes. But, it makes me wonder. Am I going to start falling any time soon? I doubt it. I just ran 3 miles without any problem; however, you never know......

Confucious said that our greatest glory is not in never falling but in getting up every time we fall.

I don't think Confucious had PD!!

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