
Sunday 20 November 2011

To tell or not to tell? That is the question.

There are different opinions among PWP as to whether or not one should make his/her diagnosis public. I, for example, told everyone except my 93 year old mother who has enough problems and worries. Other PWP feel that people will treat you differently if they know you have PD - perhaps even thinking you are less capable mentally. A large number of PWP propose that not only should we tell everyone, we should put our symptoms on display so that the public will understand what we are going through. This faction thinks that if the public could see the symptoms, fund raising for PD research would increase.

I don't know which approach is best. I just know what I did and there was no philosophy or psychology behind my decision. I don't have any problems being "out".

Having said all that, I have no intention of putting my tremor on display. I couldn't stand the whispering.

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